2011年10月11日 星期二

Digital photography

What is the difference between analog photography and digital photography?

Analog photography is a commonly term for photography that uses a progressively changing recording medium. And the Digital photography is a form of photography that the sensitive sensors of light to capture the image focused by the lens. It seems that the digital one can capture image to store as a digital file ready for digital processing viewing or printing, but the analog one must need to print it out to view.

What use is digital technology to photographers?

The photographers could use some of the software to improve the quality of photos. It is hard for photographers to ensure the quality of photos, like the colors, spaces, line combination and so on. Therefore, Photoshop is a good helper for them to edit those photos to make it perfectly.   

Is photographic truth at an end? Has it ever existed?

I think the photographic truth has still existed. The photographers will use Photoshop for editing which to ensure or improve the quality of photos. Since the photographers captured different moments through different angles, although it may not impartial enough and it can still reflect some parts of truth to the audiences. The most cricial duties of photographers are to persent the truth to the audiences, maybe some of them influenced by commercial and to present those more visually rather than the truth. But they can still present the truth of first capture.

