2011年11月2日 星期三

Social networks and online identites

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On your blog write a two paragraph report on a class member who has an interesting set of online identities (you may use pseudonyms ie fake names)

  Contemporary understandings of identity are changing. Nowadays identity is thought of in more complex terms:

 “In sum, the selves that we have are composed of multiple identities and contradictory experiences. In late-modern society, it is almost impossible to have a fully unified, completed and coherent ‘self’; rather, we all tend to have fleeting, multiple and contradictory selves”

(Charles Cheung “Presentations of Self on Personal Homepages”, p45)

“Cherri” is internet addicted. She loves to visit different kinds of websites and search variety of interesting information. For example, she always visit “HK Golden” to read those posts who uploaded by the public. She always tells me it was really interesting and deserves to read. As she found that, internet is a world which full of curiosity. She could beneficial from the Internet to satisfy her own curiosity.

Otherwise, she also loves to use social networks to communicate and interact with others. She always uses social networks to chat with friends or families, to follow the update news of friends and to read some of the gossips. Nowadays, social networks – facebook or msn being a new trend for the communications between people. Also, everyone wants to share their own stuff online and without permission to let everyone knowing their privacy.

