2011年9月25日 星期日

Animation and CGI in cinema

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What are the Pros and Cons of Computer Generated Imagery?

Use of the computer generated imagery could easy to cope with different aspects to produce film. Especially for the science fictions, we can use of it to make the film more fantastic and turn the reality to a dreamland. It also creates more opportunists for producers to bring their newly concepts into full play and to display a totally different world on the eyes of audiences.
As we all known that those films are difficult to produce it without the use of computer technologies. Because of the spectacle almost not found in the reality, so the skill could make it more realistic, for example to

The films made by CGI more liked an invented world which something will not happen at the real world. In the films, the function of actors are less influenced than the traditional one since it mostly depended on CGI to make screen more stately to arouse audiences’ surprised. So the crucial ingredients of film to stir up audiences’ emotions, included the technique of CGI rather than those excellent acting of actors. To stir up emotions are the main reason for a film to become popular and better. CGI will definitely reduce the importance of actors, such as their excellent acting only being a supporting or minor role to the film.

Will Computer Generated Imagery make actors obsolete? Yes or No? Why?

No, I think the actors still having existence value in film market. Although CGI advocated presenting the great contrasts between the real and visual world, actors still are the most crucial elements to arouse audiences’ emotions. Since their own dictions and gestures will give energetic life to the character and audiences will sink into to follow actors’ emotion. For example, they will drop into film’s plot and being with actors to experience different emotions and things. When I watched “One Day”, I always been sunk into it and experienced the fluctuated emotion of actress. It reflected that the actors still having their own functions to boost the quality of films.

Should digital characters be nominated for acting awards competing with humans?

It is not the same. As digital cinema are the team of professionals who good at the use of CGI and with a narration to use his voice to tell the story. It also consumes a great amount of sources and manpower to produce film. It is not the same situation of traditional film have a well and clarify division of labors among each parts of production.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of motion capture?

It will reduce time-consuming in order to control the quantity of capture as it could count the times more exactly. So the practice of capture will be less. And the techniques of CGI will have more perfectly quality than the traditional one.

Firstly, the costs of motion capture will be huge. Since it must contains advanced computer technologies, liked the expensive software system and professional to control it. Obviously, it is not suitable for small scale productions as the costs are great in amount, only large enterprises have efforts to bear it. Secondly, the harmony of human actors and motion capture are difficult to match up.

Should animation strive for photorealism?

Animation just really different the reality because of the animation always pursuit artificial beauty and provide a fantastic landscape to the audiences. It is really different to the cinema film. Since those films want to mode a real situation for audiences to sink into the plot and have experiences with it more easier.  

