2011年9月11日 星期日

Modern Times: Pros & Cons of cinema

In the video clips, Chaplin was a worker in the factory. Chaplin and other workers really like a robot under the control of machine which ensured the quantity of production. They need to repeat thousand times of actions to cooperate with the machines and practice it non-stop to ensure the quantity of production. The CCTV
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In a couple of paragraphs, summarize the way that Chaplin is affected by new technology in the beginning of the film Modern Times.

In the video clips, Chaplin was a worker in the factory. Chaplin and other workers really like a robot under the control of machine which ensured the quantity of production. They need to repeat thousand times of actions to cooperate with the machines and practice it non-stop to ensure the quantity of production. The CCTV  System always made the eyes on the workers; it made them under the great stress. Since they practice the same action thousands time of a day and the testing of “Lunch machine”, the machine driven Chaplin got crazy and he can’t control himself which recognized everything liked the products he made. It was not only sincerely reflected that the machine not just harm the physically of the body, but also damaged the mentally part of human. Because of the new technology, it definitely enhanced the quantity of products which beneficial to the boss, but it ignored the physically and mentally requirements of workers.
Then discuss any similarities or differences in the way you experience common digital technologies such as computers and the Internet.

We made a great rely on the digital technologies in the 21st century. Liked the video clips, we tried to make use the technologies to beneficial our daily life, such as every day when I wake up, the first I do must to check the new feed of Facebook in order to follow friend’s status, or to check the e-mail to update the news of campus and so on. You can see that everything around us nearly all related to digital technologies, the most common phenomenon is that the majority of us always hold an intelligent mobile on hand, rather on working or standing in MTR. It absolutely reflected that we can’t live without digital technologies and when we leave it will cause a great inconvenience in our daily life.

The differences between Chaplin and us are the digital technologies bring us a great convenience among our daily life but it made Chaplin got crazy. The main reason of the differences because of we enjoy to use the digital technologies to beneficial our life, liked we could easy to search and make use of the information in the internet and always made us being relax while using the internet. But the digital technologies made Chaplin into disaster; he was under the control of machine which got him in a great stress and even though made him being crazy. It can clearly be seen the improvement of digital technologies
System always made the eyes on the workers; it made them under the great stress.
Since they practice the same action thousands time of a day and the testing of “Lunch machine”, the machine driven Chaplin got crazy and he can’t control himself which recognized everything liked the products he made. It was not only sincerely reflected that the machine not just harm the physically of the body, but also damaged the mentally part of human. Because of the new technology, it definitely enhanced the quantity of products which beneficial to the boss, but it ignored the physically and mentally requirements of workers.

