2011年9月18日 星期日

Mission to Earth

What is new or different about this example of digital cinema when compared with

Traditional ways of telling a story
Mission to earth was the example of soft cinema which was totally different from traditional cinema. It was made in an unusual way than the traditional one since the audiences though two or three or even more images showing at the screen in the same time. The traditional cinema only presented the main ideas of film rather than to show different images to viewers, it almost focused on the plot or the action of characteristics. But the Mission to Earth always presented the images without dialogues and only has a narration to tell the story which will result in a larger space for audiences to imagine more conceptions. For the traditional one, they seldom used this way to show the details of film.    

Constructing a film
The elements of constructing a traditional film included plot, characteristics, melody, diction, thought and so on. For the digital cinema, we don’t need some characteristics to present the plot and just having a narration to tell the story in order to inspire the audiences to have more imagination on the film.

What other art (film, digital art, painting etc) does this film remind you of?                        

It could promote the new skills of digital cinema to the general public and let more audiences to have a deep cognition on digital cinema. It also reminded me when I watching this film liked reading comics, a series of images combined together to organize a brand new story.

Wrap up- central question for Manovich –what can this new medium do?

New medium could simplify the production of film-making so that could promote it to the general public. As all we known that, the production of film-making consumes lots of resources, liked huge human resources and capital and so on. It was definitely reflected the truth that film production couldn’t make it individually and must corporate with different kinds of aspects. New medium obviously beneficial to the film production such as having a great invocate on making film more easily.

